
09 January 2023


So here i am yet again caught up in the same bullshit pattern, but it's not that bad this time around.
I have started to come to accept a few of my traits and so my plan now revolves around this pattern taking it into my stride. we shall grow stronger and learn and evelove from this, all financialy physicaly and metally.
I have been repeatedly told my life to look for and enjoy and stay in the present. there still are joyfull moments in the present to live for.
I feel a bit alienated though
at this phase of my life i have come to find that my charisma is fading 
and people respond lesser and lesser to my quirks 
even though this is my own doing , i have over the years slowly and steadily but succesfully trained them to expect less and less from me 
and so today now that i have tie a bit , its really not taking me anywhere
because i guess yati was right 
its people 
people are what life is, and without them , it feels like a still water body 
this stint has taught me that there is nothing to be ashamed of 
, this is who i am 
i really was never meant to be a some smart shrewd business person 
i have never sold anything in my life 
and so no matter how good of a builder you might be 
you are a terrible sales person and for that reason untill you develop that sales muscle of yours dont start a business they will all result in loss 
like they have so far 
i am also a very complacent person 
and my mind always finds an excuse for me to not go though with the ideas submitted to me by the cosmos because it find some or the other flaws in it and tells me that this isnt a full proof idea enough to dedicate your entire life to it 
that is a lie that my mind tells me , but even though i know that it's a lie i still let it roll by because i am lazy 

also being a good brnad a, good sales man is all bout weaving a good story around you said he wud be making 12 startups in 12 months 
he launched witht this story and a brand , and belief and conviction and that's why he sells 
he made the maps project live to get people invested not just in the product but it's story 
if how it plays out

just like james cameron 
and brhamastra
they tell you a number which is required to break even which is so riduclusously large  that they become the underdog you start rooting for 
you wanna see the flim touch those numbers because you wanna see the underdog pull his wieght and survive 

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so ...wat do u think ...??
was it worth the effort